Open for Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year:

  1. Please enroll online by clicking on this link.
  2. Complete and submit the enrollment application along with the required documentation. Click here to see the list of necessary documents.
  3. Submit the required application fees.
  4. Speak to an Admissions Advisor to schedule diagnostic tests, a writing prompt, and Interviews for Parents and Student(s).
  5. The approval process begins once all documents are submitted and complete.

Connect with an ALA Admissions Advisor if necessary:
Phone: +1 972-900-0132

Students are required to take an entrance assessment upon admissions to ALA. Based on the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) diagnostic assessment, students will be placed in the appropriate English, Math and Science classes based on their level.

If students meet their grade level standards, they will start with courses appropriate for that grade. If not, they’ll begin with courses matching their assessed level, and later, transition to their actual grade level courses.

Anti-discrimination Policy
ALA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious preference, or national origin. We ensure inclusive participation and do not deny benefits from any educational program or activity under our supervision.