ALA students and parents can access their online learning system at any time, from home or a library or anywhere else with a reliable Internet connection. In fact, the students can take their classes from anywhere in the world, wherever an Internet connection exists. ALA is a school without borders.

Once logged in to our robust and easy-to-use online learning system, families will discover the best of all worlds: the freedom to learn in a variety of ways, combined with just the right amount of structure. ALA certified Academic Advisors and Teachers will guide the student to success.

A School Without Walls & Borders

Students use the online learning system from anywhere in the world to access their daily lessons. They can also submit their assignments directly online, participate in live web classes, join interactive discussions with other students and teachers, and connect with their Academic Advisors and Teachers for extra help whenever needed. Students can also participate in many of the online clubs, and virtual field trips that ALA offers.

Parents can follow their student’s progress utilizing the online learning system’s planning and progress tools to view lessons, attendance, and monitor their student’s advancement to make sure they are moving at the right pace.

ALA brings the American School experience to your student anywhere in the world, offering the flexibility to spend more time on academics and with family, instead of on long bus rides and in crowded classrooms.